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For His Glory

I don’t know about you, but as I get older, the years go faster and faster. Maybe it’s because I have kids now, and I see how quickly they change in a year. Or maybe it’s because I’m so busy and distracted and plan too far ahead that the year just skips by. Whatever the reason, I cannot believe it’s December already.


If you are anything like me, you have most of your Christmas shopping done, the travel arrangements are complete, and you have already started planning out how you will get to see all the family and friends you can over Christmas break. AND I bet you are exhausted. Even though I am a planner and enjoy having things in order, one of the main reasons I put so much work into being ahead of schedule and organized is that it can be very stressful around the holidays. And the last thing I want is to feel overwhelmed when I should be enjoying family and friends and all the joy that comes with winter, Christmas, and welcoming another new year.

How do I go back to feeling like a child again around the holidays? Did my parents feel this way and I just didn’t realize? I think for many of us, the holidays at the end of the year, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s, have become a bit underwhelming as you get older. The spark and joy as a kid turns into planning, organizing calendars, hosting, cleaning, shopping, and making sure everything is checked off your list (If you even had time to make a list!) Then, on top of that, life changes, families grow and change, and now you have more people and schedules to contend with. With more gifts to buy and more traditions to uphold, how do you possibly keep everyone happy without destroying yourself and your little family?

First, I think we have to zoom out, take a deep breath, and try to realign our perspective. Christmas is about the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is a time to celebrate with family and friends with whatever traditions you enjoy. We all have traditions and customs that we are used to, but sometimes those traditions have to change. I think each year takes a lot of patience and flexibility.


So, when you are feeling overwhelmed by the stress of it all stop and take a breath. And remind yourself of a wonderful saying my husband and I love, “All of life for the glory of God.”


Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31


Every year since we moved, we travel back to California to be with family for Christmas. Each year has been busy and exhausting but also fun and rejuvenating. However, with the growth of our church, we know that we may not always be able to be with family on Christmas day. I am feeling challenged this year as my kids are a little older to start building our own traditions and what we want the holiday season to look like. One fun tradition we started last year was going to a Christmas tree farm to cut down our Christmas tree. Zion will be three next week, and it is so fun to see the joy in his eyes and the verbal excitement he shares with us to get the tree, put lights on, and enjoy hot chocolate and Christmas movies together. At 18 months, Olive is more focused on all her emotions and whether Zion took her toy or not to grasp any of the Christmas joy around her.

Although we personally choose to do gifts for our kids, we know it’s not about the gifts. It’s not about the traditions. It’s not about the decorations, food, or any of that! What matters most is that we live lives that bring glory and honor to the Lord. Our hope and prayer is that our kids learn to love God, fear Him, and live to make Him known.


Do you know Jesus, like really know Him? If you say yes, but don’t open your Bible, I don’t know if you really understand who Jesus is. Do you obey His commands or are you still holding on to a few sins? Maybe you’ve been a Christian so long that you are so focused on what you already know that you miss out on what you still could learn. Wherever you are, I pray you are convicted and encouraged by Jesus’ words in Luke:


And He was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.

Luke 9:23


The other day, a song came on and I was overcome with emotions that almost brought tears to my eyes. This song brought me back to a time of life when God stripped away the one thing I wanted most in life. I was committed to the Lord, walking with him and focused on serving Him or so I thought. Everything was going well, and I had my heart set and was confident that this was the path God had for me too. And then it wasn’t. I was heartbroken but I remember thinking that the Lord was asking me “Will you still serve Me if I take away the one thing you want most right now?” I remember listening to this song back then and crying on my bed, saying “Yes Lord, I trust You. I want to live my life for You even if it hurts.” Now fast forward 8 years later and I hear that same song and tears fill my eyes but for different reasons. Not from sadness or pain but from gratitude and joy. I look at my life and think “Wow! Look at what the Lord has done.” He brought Nick back into my life at the right time; in His timing for His glory. The Lord used this struggle in my life to refine me and transform me to make me a better wife and mother now. 

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.

Romans 8:28

Nick and I recently were talking about our lives and how thankful we are. We are not naïve to the fact that we have what others would say is an easy, privileged life. But we are confident that if we remain steadfast to the Word of God, we can endure even the most painful of situations. It’s all about perspective and where you put your energy. We personally like to focus on gratitude, selflessness, and joy, which helps us live out our family motto - ALL OF LIFE FOR THE GLORY OF GOD.

Our hearts are so full this Christmas. We are thankful for two fun healthy children, a church that is spiritually growing even amongst the trials this past year, and for the beautiful life that the Lord has given us here in the Pacific Northwest. 


Whether you go big for the holidays or keep it simple may you turn your heart toward Jesus this December and every day of the year. May His peace wash over you and help you to not be anxious or worried about anything but simply praise Him for all His blessings in your life. (Philippians 4:6-7) I pray that your life will glorify God in all that you do. 


Merry Christmas my friends!

Jess T.


Prayer Requests

  • May we keep Jesus at the forefront of our hearts and minds this holiday season

  • That we would enjoy time with family and friends

  • To remember that His timing is perfect in every aspect of our lives


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