My husband and I talk a lot about body language. Not that we need to be people pleasers, but our goal is to radiate the light of Jesus and our body language can play a part in that. Do we look joyful to others? Are we happy with our life and where God has us? Are we content?
The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
Psalms 23:1 (NIV)
Many Sunday mornings after everyone has left, the house is clean and reset, the kids are napping and we finally sit down, I ask myself, “Did I even smile at anyone today?” That’s probably a little harsh as I’m sure my natural default when I see people is to smile but Sunday mornings are often busy for me. I spend the morning getting everything ready and once everyone starts trickling in, I am focused on wrangling my children and attempting to keep them quiet. Zion usually does a good job but has his

moments. Olive is now the tough one to keep quiet as her little 15-month-old brain develops. She wants to talk and sing and doesn’t quite understand the concept of sitting still during prayer and worship. Sometimes I don’t even get to enjoy worship because I am holding both of their cute, squirmy bodies and whispering in their ears to stop and sit still! But, this is my reality. I have two young children that are still developing and learning to adapt to having church in their home. (Even though they don’t know any difference. They will probably be very confused one day when we get in a car and drive to church!) Anyways, I have been challenged to consider my body language, facial expressions, attitude, and tone in conversations every Sunday. Am I content with where God has me and do I radiate Christ? My hope and prayer is that everyone sees a humble spirit that is full of the joy of the Lord despite the stress and frustration her kids may be causing her. My prayer is that everyone always feels loved and welcomed when they attend our church and come into our home. I want to connect with at least one person every Sunday to grow in my relationships with each member. Unfortunately, these things may not always happen.
There is nothing glamorous about church planting. It is a sacrifice, a service, a constant dying to self, and a life that brings you to your knees daily. I was recently reminded of that AGAIN as I was struggling through some personal thoughts and complaints about where God has me and what my role is during church services. I think I got caught up in the excitement of it all, with the support and encouragement from our friends and family back in California. Honestly, I came up here with puffed up shoulders about what we were doing. How great and wonderful that we moved our whole lives to start a church! We were full of ideas and excited to implement them. Can you believe the audacity? I wish I could say God quickly humbled me, but He didn’t. It has been a slow long burn in the refiners fire. But I can confidently say: what a joy it has been to step out of our comfort zone and endure hardships and growth for the sake of Christ. We know that every trial and every blessing will allow us to encourage other members of our church in future years when they church plant. We are just as excited that we are becoming more like Christ every day through this process.
Monday’s are definitely our favorite day of the week because it’s Nick’s day off and we get to spend time as a family. Summer was filled with lots of adventures to the most beautiful river spots and the kids got very comfortable playing in the water. Now that it’s officially Fall, we are enjoying getting back to finding small hikes that the kids can handle. The kids love hiking and are actually pretty good about walking long distances as long as we stop and throw rocks in the water sometimes.
This past week we got to enjoy the leaves changing and starting to fall. Nick was reminded of the pure providence of God while watching the leaves fall. God decides when each leaf will fall and where it will fall. If the Lord meticulously cares for the falling leaves, how much more does he care for us? (Matthew 6:25-34). He shared this story with me because it gave him such a sense of contentment and encouragement with where our church is at. He is quite joyful and hopeful through it all.
How quickly we can get discouraged and focus on growth and numbers when, in actuality, the people we have now are so special to us. They are the sheep that God has brought us, the fellowship that has been entrusted to us to disciple and encourage, and simply do life with. Oh how important it is that we do not lose sight of that and be distracted into thinking that more people is what makes a successful church plant. Hope Northwest is a wonderful church, comprised of committed growing sinners, who have been brought together by the Lord and formed a family. We look forward to what God is going to do and we are confident that He will grow this church in numbers but more importantly, spiritually. So with that, we are beyond satisfied and thankful with where God has this church. We are continuing to work with the city and our denomination to finalize some paperwork so we can start renting a space and move church services out of our home. Nick and our neighbor are cordial but he is still bothered that we meet here. We have reassured him a couple times that we are working to get out of the house and into a building but there are just a few roadblocks that we are working through.
Although there have been challenges with hosting church in our home, Nick and I both know that we will look back at this year and a half with sweet fond memories. Meeting in a building will bring about its own difficulties but we look forward to all the opportunities it will bring. And we trust God with every step of the way knowing that His providential hand is over it all.
to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
Galatians 1:5
As I wrap up what became more of a church update I do pray that you were encouraged. Encouraged to stop complaining about your circumstances and what you desire but rather focus on how you can impact the world for the Kingdom. Focus on where God has you right now and how your attitude, tone, and body language are affecting those around you. We have a choice how we react and appear to others. Can we be people who are content in all things and live lives that express wholehearted trust in the Providence of our Lord?
Not that I speak from want, for I learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in abundance; in any and all things I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.
Philippians 4:11-12
Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13
God Bless you!
Jess T.
Prayer Requests
That we would be content in every step of this process
That God would continue to refine us into His Image
That our children would love the Lord and understand what God has called our family to
That the process would move quickly and smoothly to get a new meeting space